Deliberative Research
Engage customers, listen to influencers and deliberate with stakeholders
Engaging Stakeholders
True North knows that at the heart of good research are valued and engaged individuals.
We design studies that maximise the involvement of these individuals in the process. By allowing them to be truly involved, to be informed of the issues at hand and have a solid understanding of the facts, the outcomes from a project can only be enhanced.
We have over a decade of experience of involving individuals in this way, ensuring that each individual voice is heard and making their views count.
True North offers a range of deliberative techniques that empower audiences. This process takes elements of both qualitative and quantitative research practices to deliver real value in the outcomes.
Deliberative Engagement puts participants at the heart of the research issue.
It brings together a representative cross-section of the desired population to deliberate on an issue. The process provides the time for participants to truly understand the issue at hand. Through involving participants in workshops, forums or juries, participants are involved in the decision making process. They are given access to information, the opportunity to ask questions, seek clarification, learn about and deliberate over complex issues, make trade-offs and ultimately move towards a consensus.
Ultimately Delibertaive Engagement empowers all those involved
By involving individuals in the decision making process, it encourages buy-in and engenders support for conclusions.
Using deliberative tools
Deliberative methodologies are best employed when there is a genuine desire to engage and listen, and when the views of participants can actually influence the issues at hand. Here are some examples of when they can provide real value...